The importance of structured water in maintaining intracellular hydration

Fluid fluctuations effect blood volume and intracellular hydration levels. When the amount of fluid within various cellular compartments is relatively constant, there is an exchange of solutes and water between compartments to maintain ideal compositions.

Total body water percentage decreases with age, resulting in inadequate cellular hydration. Most critical is the decrease in the ratio of intracellular hydration. The normal ratio is 60% intracellular, 40% extra cellular. The reason for change in this ratio is due in part to an increase in fat along with a decrease in muscle, and a decreased ability of the body to regulate sodium and water balance. With age, kidney function becomes less efficient in producing urine and responses for conserving sodium weaken.

The body must continuously be in a proper state of hydration. Because 2.5 liters of water is lost each day through normal bodily functions, this must be replaced. There are two major issues that emphasize the need to keep the body adequately hydrated with water of the best quality, content and structure so it can maintain homeostasis.

First, the water we put in our body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences on cells. Water must bring all minerals and nutrients required for cell metabolism, and remove any substances that can damage the cell. It must also be able to protect cell walls from damage and invasion. Second, since water is involved in every function of the body, it must act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, such as neurotransmission, by moving water from one nerve cell to another smoothly and effectively.

Movement of water in the body between cells (extra cellular fluid) is caused by osmosis. This is created by magnetic forces in the body, which keep the movement in balance. As water flows, changes in pressure create movement across the cell membranes. Any changes in pressure will allow proteins, minerals and other nutrients being carried by the blood to escape into spaces between vessels and deprive the cells of their vital needs to sustain life. When water in the blood is contaminated with chemicals, it enters the cells and changes their structure, which in turn could lead to changes in DNA. This is the start of the disease process, which is very similar to the aging process.

Water and the Human Body’s Natural Healing Process

The human body was created to be in balance. We call this homeostasis. Our body relies on its chemical processing plant to keep a metabolic balance. The body knows when it is being depleted of minerals and nutrients, which are essential to keep it balanced. When this happens, the body must draw from its reserve. But this can only be a temporary measure until these reserves are once again replenished.

Our body becomes aware of its depletion when its energy level is low. If nothing is done, and if we continue to ignore its call for help, we allow our body to begin on the path of its destruction. When the body is neglected, it becomes vulnerable to attack from invaders from the outside. It is also open to attack from the inside by free radicals. Bacteria, which are essential for our survival, suddenly turn on us and destroy us.

The body fights to regain its integrity by calling on the immune system. Sometimes this is too late, especially if the body has been in a contaminated state for too long. This can result from poor quality of the water we put in our body everyday.

The body knows when it is drying out. The body can only keep its ability to remain balanced if it is given enough good water. Not just clean water, but water that can provide a good environment for the body to function and carry on its purpose of remaining in balance.

For water to be most effective in our body, it is necessary for it to contain minerals that haven been completely assimilated in order to nourish and protect the cells. It should have a slightly higher alkaline pH, which is necessary to assure that the body fluids do not become and remain acidic, resulting in illness and more rapid aging.

However, because of contamination in our environment such as toxic wastes and chemical additives, food and water have been depleted of critical minerals necessary for metabolism. As a result, the body’s chemistry becomes un-balanced, and destructive substances known as free radicals form. These free radicals destroy cells and cause the body in general to deteriorate.

Magnetic beverages, including water, tea, and other liquids are the key to prevent health problems for the whole family and essential to a successful recovery of health imbalances.

Our happy customers are reporting effects that we can only call rejuvenation.
More youthful - from the inside out.

Mandarin HomeEdge

After all, aging and dehydration are one in the same.
We are born as over 90% ‘living water’; over time, our cellular function decays.

Drinking ordinary water and dehydrating beverages, such as coffee and tea, can accelerate the dehydrating (or aging) process! Perhaps that is why so many people experience joint pain, mental fuzziness, wrinkled skin, poor digestion, diminished immune function.

Poor Beverage Choices
Poor Hydration
Accelerated Aging

Fortunately, there is a solution: Super-Soft, Super Hydrating, Structured Water! You can replenish the reservoirs of Living Water in your cells by choosing energized, soft, wet, hydrating Structured Water by using our Mandarin HomeEdge device.

Most of all, you will enjoy the fresh taste of flowing, re-energized water as you receive great bodily benefits.

  • Softer, Smoother, Better Looking Skin
  • Increased Cellular Nourishment
  • Greater Flexibility
  • Feeling Rejuvenated
  • Better Moods
  • Improved Digestion
  • Efficient Waste Removal
  • Detoxification
  • Proper Body Temperature Regulation
  • Healthy Metabolic Reactions
  • Better Immune Response
  • Less Allergies and Asthma
  • Increased Concentration, Alertness and Short-Term Memory
  • Decreased Appetite
  • Increased Vitality
  • Less Pain
  • Better Sleep


fractal water

Mandarin HomeEdge's Devices typically pay for themselves within one 6 months, often with health profit, quickly returning your cost of saving medecinecost. We guarantee your satisfaction with a two-year money back guarantee. Then, year after year, they deliver increased returns by improving production and yield. Proudly designed and sourced in Netherlands as the leader in chemical-free water softening since 2007.